Community baby showers are held 2x per year in partnership with Children Trust Michigan. Expecting Moms and Dads are provided with education on becoming a new parent. Topics may include feeding your baby, playing with a newborn, safe sleep, early literacy, postpartum depression, parental resilience, and bonding with your infant. In-person events also include fun baby shower games and prizes. All participants go home with lots of new baby items. Please check our Facebook page for upcoming Community Baby Shower information.
2024 Virtual Baby Shower: Jan. 29-Feb. 2nd

2023 Virtual Baby Showers– January 23-27
2022 Virtual Baby Showers– January 24-28 & August 22-26
2021 Virtual Baby Showers– March 22-26 & August 16-20
2020 Virtual Baby Showers– September

Virtual Baby Shower– September 2020
Parents-to-be and new parents participated in education utilizing Google Classroom and after completing won some wonderful baby shower gifts!
This baby shower was made possible with CTF and 32P grant money!

Father’s Baby Shower– November 2019
This baby shower was made possible with PDG B-5, CTF and 32P grant money!
Valentine’s Themed Baby Shower– February 2019
This baby shower was made possible with CTF and 32P grant money!