Available to Menominee County Residents
One of the Great Start Collaborative goals is to increase the number of pregnant women accessing prenatal care, striving to achieve the state directive, all Menominee County children are born healthy. In 2021, Kids Count shows 60% of Menominee County expecting mothers are not accessing adequate prenatal care. This means expecting mothers are not seeking prenatal care in the first trimester or at least monthly throughout their pregnancy.
Why is prenatal care important?
“Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy. Babies of mothers who do not get prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight and five times more likely to die than those born to mothers who do get care.
Doctors can spot health problems early when they see mothers regularly. This allows doctors to treat them early. Early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others. Doctors also can talk to pregnant women about things they can do to give their unborn babies a healthy start to life.” www.womanshealth.gov

OB/GYN Services | Website |
Aurora Medical Center Bay Area – Marinette/Green Bay | Aurora Obstetrics & Gynecology – Marinette, WI |
Maternity Services | Aurora Health Care | |
Bellin – Marinette/Green Bay | Pregnancy (bellin.org) |
Bellin Health Generations | |
Marshfield Medical Center-Dickenson- Iron Mountain | Family Birth Center – Dickinson County Healthcare (dchs.org) |
Women’s Health – Dickinson County Healthcare (dchs.org) | |
OSF Healthcare – Escanaba | OSF Women’s Health | OSF HealthCare |
Escanaba | OSF HealthCare |
Other Pregnancy Services | Website |
Bay Area Pregnancy Services – Marinette | |
Public Health Delta Menominee Counties – Health Department | WIC (phdm.org) |
Family Planning Services | Public Health, Delta & Menominee Counties (phdm.org) | |
Home Visiting Programs | Early Childhood Program | MDSCAA |
Healthy Families | lmas (lmasdhd.org) | |
Maternal Infant Health Program – MIHP (michigan.gov) |