
Free Preschool Locations & Star Ratings

During the summer months, often schools have limited hours.  If you cannot get through at the below locations call 906-863-5665 ext 1046 and we will get your information to the right person!

GSRP Income Eligibility Guidelines 2024-25– Stay tuned- this may change before next school year

Applications for 2024-25:

GSRP application cover sheet

2024-25 Menominee County GSRP Application- Part 1

2024-25 GSRP Risk Factor Sheet – Part 2

2024-25 Application Joint Enrollment Parent Form

Menominee Early Childhood Center- Head Start

gsrp 906-863-7588
Evergreen School, N 1329 US Hwy 41
Menominee, MI 49858

1 GSRP Classroom, Multiple Head Start Classrooms (ages 3 & 4), and a Home Visiting Program with Early Head Start 0-2

Central Elementary School- Now operated by Menominee County ISD for 2024-25

gsrp 906-863-3605
1800 18th Ave
Menominee, MI 49858

3 classrooms of full-day GSRP

Kidz Town Daycare Center

gsrp 715-587-5394
1610 15th Street
Menominee, MI 49858

1 session of full-day GSRP

Stephenson Elementary

gsrp 906-753-2222
W535 River Rd
Stephenson, MI 49887

2 classrooms of full-day GSRP

Carney-Nadeau Public School

gsrp 906-398-3052
151 US-41 N.
Carney, MI 49821

1 session of full-day GSRP

North Central Elementary School

gsrp 906-498-7737
5465 W 3rd Street
Hermansville, MI 49847

1 session of full-day GSRP

Program Criteria: 

Programs are income and risk-factor-based.  Once all children with eligibility criteria get into a program we take “above-income” families on a tuition basis!

Do you want to be contacted about filling out an application?  Fill out this form

Calculate your income Here.

Head Start Income Range: 0-100% federal poverty level (with some variances)

Great Start Readiness Program Income Range: 101-300% federal poverty level (tuition for those above).

UPDATE:  The State of Michigan is currently working on expanding this program to Universal Pre-K (meaning all age-eligible children will qualify/ no income requirements). At this time, we predict that the State of Michigan will increase the income range for the 2024-25 school year.  We will know more once the budget for the state is agreed-upon and released.  We encourage ALL families to apply and be prepared for preschool enrollment for next school year!

You can apply at any of the above locations to attend any of the above programs! If you are unsure if you qualify, Apply!

Program Descriptions: 

Head Start: Federally Funded Program

Children at our centers enjoy learning to play. A wide variety of activities are available daily during both structured times and discovery (free play) time, Outdoor activities are included daily, weather permitting. Meals or snacks are served family-served family-style, and good nutrition and healthy habits are emphasized throughout the day. Children learn social skills and develop age-appropriate competence in language, literacy, numbers, and motor skills.

Programs are more comprehensive and able to provide more home-to-school services.  They are designed to help those at the lowest poverty level and reach the highest need.

Great Start Readiness Program (GSRP): State-Funded Program

The Great Start Readiness Program’s purpose is to provide an atmosphere that encourages the social, emotional, physical, cognitive, and creative growth and development of the child.  The program follows the guidelines within that of the GSRP, and the State of Michigan’s daycare licensing, to ensure the best overall learning experience for the child as a whole.  The required qualified adult-to-child ratio for daycare establishments is 1:10, whereas the requirement is 1:8 (one adult for every 8 children).

Programs are for the next levels of income above Head Start.  They provide fewer home-to-school services than Head Start due to fewer staff members.  Most of the locations are in Elementary School buildings at this time.

Handbook for GSRP: 23-24 GSRP Parent handbook in English22-23 GSRP Parent Handbook in Espanol


Search on Great Start to Quality HERE to find a location near you!

Updated 6-6-24